刑事学 is the application of scientific methods to evaluate physical evidence from a crime scene for use in criminal proceedings. Tiffin University’s criminalistics program will teach you specific skills in gathering, 评估和保存犯罪现场的证据. You’ll receive a solid foundation for your career as a crime scene investigator, 在当地工作, 州和联邦警察部门, 还有私人调查服务.
The 刑事司法学士 in 刑事学 is intended for students who desire to become law enforcement officers specializing in the area of forensic evidence. 在程序中, 你将学会识别, 排序, 比较, 根据严格的法律和科学规则解释和编目证据. The major provides a focus for the student who wishes to be a crime scene investigator but who is not interested in conducting laboratory analysis of evidence.
The criminalistics program combines classroom teaching with a unique progression of hands-on learning that advances your experience from the crime scene to the courtroom. 你要在犯罪现场把理论和实践联系起来, 在那里你可以获得处理模拟犯罪现场的宝贵实践经验.
- The criminalistics program emphasizes investigation of specific crimes including, 但不限于, 杀人, 性侵犯, 加重攻击罪, 抢劫, 入室盗窃, 盗窃, 盗窃汽车和纵火.
- 你将掌握处理物证的专业知识, 包括血液和生物, 印象, 指纹, 枪支, 药物, 数字, 工具痕迹和痕迹证据.
- You’ll work closely with faculty who bring significant field experience in the discipline.
- 你会有很多体验式学习的机会, 从犯罪现场到死亡调查的实践课程.
- 你会发展的技能是一个成功的犯罪学事业的关键, 比如批判性思维和解决问题的能力.
在犯罪学项目中, 你将与拥有多年执法经验的教授一起学习, 包括大量的证据处理工作. Our faculty’s real-world field experience greatly enriches content offered in courses, 帮助你将理论与专业的犯罪学实践联系起来.
在俄亥俄州宣誓成为一名警察, you must successfully complete the 俄亥俄州警官培训学院(OPOTA). Tiffin University partners with Terra State Community College to include the cost of the academy in tuition and can be earned in just one semester.
This unique training academy is state mandated for all police officers and covers 枪支s, 依法行政, 人际关系, 交通, 巡逻, 开车, 主题控制, 调查, 内乱, 体能调理等方面的执法. Students apply direct, hands-on practice in the crime lab, firing range and police cruisers. 有经验的, 认证讲师和动手应用, 我们的学生在国家认证的考试中始终达到通过率. 一旦该计划的毕业生获得认证, 他们立即有资格获得全职工作.
- Technological advances have made forensic information increasingly essential in criminal proceedings.
- 你将获得处理犯罪现场的实际经验.
- You’ll learn best practices for the handling, identifying, and evaluating evidence.
- The practitioner-based focus of our criminalistics curriculum is well aligned with the professional focus of our University.
犯罪学是一个实践性很强的领域, 因此, 对这一领域的培训和准备也应该如此. 在你的应用刑事调查和犯罪学课程中, 你将调查一个“模拟”犯罪现场, collect and analyze evidence obtained and present your investigation in a “moot” court. 刑事审判证据, 你将参加模拟审判, as you and other students role-play the various participants in a criminal court case. 作为死亡调查课程的一部分, 你将参加一次实地考察,去大都会的一个主要停尸房.
And, as with all our criminal justice programs, you’ll participate in a required internship. 实习机会非常广泛. 一个刚毕业的学生在白宫礼宾室实习, which led to a permanent job with the White House 工作人员 as Director of Protocol. 另一名学生在酒精管理局完成了她的实习, 烟草, 华盛顿的枪支和爆炸物, D.C.
- 在大多数课程中, 教授不只是在上课时间讲课, 而是将讲座与小组作业和实践练习结合起来.
- Group work is constant and replicates the cooperation needed for success in real-world criminalistics.
- Our crime scene house provides hands-on experience in processing mock crime scenes.
- All criminalistics students must complete a 150-hour professional internship in the field.
课程 & 格式
刑事司法学院核心课程= 18学时
犯罪学专业= 48小时
- CDS334技术与犯罪- 3小时
- 计算机取证概览- 3小时
- CST155操作系统入门- 3小时
- 应用刑事调查 & 犯罪学- 3小时
- ENF293犯罪学(w) - 3小时
- ENF355性犯罪法医调查- 3小时
- ENF432死亡调查- 3小时
- 刑事司法报告写作- 3小时
- FSC115法医科学入门- 3小时
- FSC115L法医科学实验室导论- 1小时
- JUS461刑事司法高级研讨会- 3小时
- JUS465审判证据(Capstone) - 4个小时
- NAT150人体解剖学和生理学- 3小时
- NAT150L人体解剖学和生理学实验- 1小时
- NAT291药物与身体- 3小时
- PSY362异常行为- 3小时
- 心理学入门- 3小时
合计- 48小时
有些课程可能有先决条件. 详见课程描述.
刑事司法学士总学时= 121
This is a sample course sequence to illustrate course offerings for this major. Consult the official Academic 公告 for detailed registration and advising information.
应用刑事调查及刑事学(ENF239) -重点调查具体罪行,包括, 但不限于, 杀人, 性侵犯, 加重攻击罪, 抢劫, 入室盗窃, 盗窃, 盗窃汽车和纵火. 学生们将被要求调查一个“模拟”犯罪现场, collect and analyze evidence obtained and present their investigation in a “moot” court.
高级刑事学(ENF320) – This course focuses on crime scene investigative processes, methods, and procedures. 它扩展了FSC115和ENF239中涵盖的主题. It offers the student the opportunity to apply scientific theory in a practical setting. 主题包括犯罪现场的第一响应者的角色, 接近犯罪现场的方法, 犯罪现场分析, a thorough overview of the gamut of physical evidence 包括血液和生物, 印象, 指纹, 枪支, 药物, 数字, 工具痕迹和痕迹证据. 另外, this course offers familiarization with specialized 调查 including death, 纵火, 大规模死亡和性犯罪调查. 它的设计考虑到了现场犯罪学家的职责.
性罪行法证调查(ENF355) – This course presents a detailed overview of the responsibilities of a sex crimes investigator including information regarding victim’s issues, 法律问题, search and seizure issues as well as mechanics of a 性侵犯 investigation and secondary traumatic stress syndrome. This course will also examine different types of offenders and specific issues unique to sex crimes 调查.
在校园 -提供为期15周的学期形式,开始日期为1月和8月
在线 – Offered in two terms per semester starting in January, March, May, July, August and October
美国.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics predicted that openings for forensic technicians would increase by 14 percent in the decade preceding 2029, which is more than triple the average for all occupations nationally (4 percent).
- 成人假释管理局
- 酒精,烟草,火器和爆炸物管理局
- 验尸官办公室/法医办公室
- 狱警
- 犯罪现场调查员
- 刑事调查员
- 侦探
- 联邦调查局
- 警方的法证化验所
- 情报机构
- 执法人员
- 律师
- 毒品执法中的私人法医机构
- 特勤处
- 治安官办公室
- 萨姆特县青年中心
- U.S. 邮政服务
- U.S. 特勤处
虽然获得这样的职位竞争非常激烈, TU校友已经在这些机构工作:
- 东俄亥俄矫正中心
- 联邦警察局
- 当地警察部门
- 法医办公室,彭萨科拉,佛罗里达州
- 私家侦探
- 塞内卡县警长办公室
- 州警察局
Tiffin University brings in instructors that have the education and the experience to pass on to our students. 我们的教官来自托莱多警察局, 佩里斯堡警察局(OH), 诺沃克警察局(OH), 渥太华县警长办公室(OH), 韦恩县警长办公室(OH), 卢卡斯县警长办公室(OH), 韦尔顿警察局(WV), 美国特勤局, 美国陆军, 美国海军, 美国空军, 俄亥俄州陆军国民警卫队, 以及俄亥俄州空军国民警卫队. 我们的教官担任过凶杀案侦探, 人身犯罪侦探, 互联网儿童色情侦探, 指挥人员, 一般的侦探, 警察局长, 特工, 卧底缉毒员, 宪兵军官, 道路巡警, 联邦特遣部队成员和国土安全人员.
蒂芬,OH 44883
- 沉浸式的,实践性的项目
- 具有犯罪学现场经验的教员
- 强调现实世界的体验式学习
- 要求专业实习
“Tiffin University gave me my best friend and pushed me to my highest potential. The OPOTA program put me ahead in the hiring process and my bachelor’s degree set me apart from other candidates.”
- Mondays at the Morgue – Ashley Rathbun (`25) and the Franklin County Coroner’s Office
- 博彩平台推荐刑事司法专业学生参加研究竞赛
- Tiffin University’s School of CJSS Hosts Sixth Annual Research Conference and Competition
- Student Scholar All-Stars – Tiffin University Hosts the Annual Academic Honors Ceremony
- 博彩平台推荐将与Ariana Seanor举办杰出系列讲座